The Fantastical Right Wing Spin On Political Correctness

image of The Alamo
The Alamo is the scene of another battle over historical truth

A conservative friend on Facebook posted a link to an article written by Mike Gonzalez on the The Daily Signal website that complained the reason people don’t know more about the contributions of Tejanos toward the Texas Revolution of 1835 is because of Political Correctness. Obviously, Gonzalez is spinning his right wing propaganda and using the term ‘political correct’ incorrectly.

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Atheists Support Islamophobia? No, Atheists Don’t Support Any Irrational Beliefs

image of Richard Dawkins
Richard Dawkins, Islamophobe?

On Saturday, Salon posted an article by Nathan Lean that took to task famous atheists like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens for attacking Islam. Lean insinuates these atheists have a streak of Islamophobia. But the real facts show the article is yet another hit piece against atheists. Atheists see all religion as irrational and mostly results in bad treatment of people (“evil”). It is disappointing when religious apologists cherry pick the good parts while ignoring the overall bad parts of religion especially in publishing an attack against those who have no religion.

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