The Fantastical Right Wing Spin On Political Correctness

image of The Alamo
The Alamo is the scene of another battle over historical truth

A conservative friend on Facebook posted a link to an article written by Mike Gonzalez on the The Daily Signal website that complained the reason people don’t know more about the contributions of Tejanos toward the Texas Revolution of 1835 is because of Political Correctness. Obviously, Gonzalez is spinning his right wing propaganda and using the term ‘political correct’ incorrectly.

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My Thanks To Our Veterans

image of Raising the flag on Iwo Jima

My Dad was a US Marine in Vietnam and my grandfather served in the 100th Infantry Division during World War II. Much to the chagrin of my mother I was interested in military service growing up. I thought the uniforms and equipment were cool and I like to camp, right? I had no idea about the mental and physical costs to paid serving in the military. It is nothing like the Hollywood version of war (Platoon, Saving Private Ryan, and Band of Brothers excepted). I tip my hat to all those who serve or have served in the military.

Here is the Marine Corp Band playing “Stars and Stripes Forever”

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