Late info on Republican candidates

A friend of mine passed on this list of info about some of the various Republican candidates this election season. Some pretty interesting reading.

–AZ-Sen: Jon Kyl
AZ-01: Rick Renzi
AZ-05: J.D. Hayworth
CA-04: John Doolittle
CA-11: Richard Pombo
CA-50: Brian Bilbray
CO-04: Marilyn Musgrave
CO-05: Doug Lamborn
CO-07: Rick O’Donnell
CT-04: Christopher Shays
FL-13: Vernon Buchanan
FL-16: Joe Negron
FL-22: Clay Shaw
ID-01: Bill Sali
IL-06: Peter Roskam
IL-10: Mark Kirk
IL-14: Dennis Hastert
IN-02: Chris Chocola
IN-08: John Hostettler
IA-01: Mike Whalen
KS-02: Jim Ryun
KY-03: Anne Northup
KY-04: Geoff Davis
–MD-Sen: Michael Steele
MN-01: Gil Gutknecht
MN-06: Michele Bachmann
–MO-Sen: Jim Talent
–MT-Sen: Conrad Burns
NV-03: Jon Porter
NH-02: Charlie Bass
NJ-07: Mike Ferguson
NM-01: Heather Wilson
NY-03: Peter King
NY-20: John Sweeney
NY-26: Tom Reynolds
NY-29: Randy Kuhl
NC-08: Robin Hayes
NC-11: Charles Taylor
OH-01: Steve Chabot
OH-02: Jean Schmidt
OH-15: Deborah Pryce
OH-18: Joy Padgett
PA-04: Melissa Hart
PA-07: Curt Weldon
PA-08: Mike Fitzpatrick
PA-10: Don Sherwood
–RI-Sen: Lincoln Chafee
–TN-Sen: Bob Corker
–VA-Sen: George Allen
VA-10: Frank Wolf
–WA-Sen: Mike McGavick
WA-08: Dave Reichert

Welcome readers of HCPU

I decided to merge the topic of Hancock County Politics Unfiltered, a blog I started 3 years ago, to comment on issues and events happening in my hometown of Findlay and Hancock County, into Doug’s Views as of today.

I don’t live there any more and I found it extremely hard to create posts on a regular basis. In fact the last post before today was about the Super Bowl back in February.

Posts related to Findlay or Hancock county will be found under those categories and tags. Past posts won’t be merged into this blog as of now. I need to find an easy way to do that. Until then you can find them on the old blog at

Update to Famous Findlayians

I just updated my “Famous Findlayians” page on my website. That is where I list some collected info on famous people who either were born, lived, or worked in my hometown Findlay, Ohio.

A couple of web visitors pointed out a few more people I failed to mention in the first edition. People like C.J. “Pappy” Hart who was one of the “fathers” of the sport of Drag racing and Howard T. Ricketts, who helped isolate the bacteria that causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

I also tweaked some of the photos I included on the page and updated some of the text. Looks like I will have to tweak the layout some more later.

“Famous Findlayians”

Are the Democrats any different than the GOP?

Not when it comes to incestuous backroom political machine dealing. It seems the Democrats haven’t come very far since the days of Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley (1902-1976).

In 2004, Dem leaders dumped a promising candidate in Governor Howard Dean, who created a buzz through his straight talk and Internet website, to go with horse face Senator John Kerry just because it seemed it was his turn.

This year in Ohio, state and national Democratic leaders forced a promising candidate, Paul Hackett, an Iraq war veteran, who came a close shave in defeating Republican Jean Schmidt in last summer’s special congressional election, to drop out of a Senate race against incumbent Senator Mike Dewine.

Who do they want? Rep. Sherrod Brown, who served 2 terms as Ohio Secretary of State in the 1980’s.

Paul Hackett charged that “behind-the-scenes machinations” by Schumer, D-N.Y., and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., cut off his campaign money to avoid a potential primary faceoff with Rep. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio.

Hackett, a lieutenant colonel in the Marine Reserves, said he was quitting politics rather than take the party’s advice to run again for the House in Cincinnati’s suburbs.

“Thus ends my 11-month political career,” said Hackett, who gained a national profile with scathing attacks on President Bush as a “chicken hawk” – and by nearly defeating Republican Jean Schmidt in last summer’s special congressional election.

Ohio’s Hackett quits Senate race, politics 

So the new kid on the block gets shoved aside to maintain the old boy network.

Why have primaries at all? I mean if the party bosses decide who can run then a primary vote is just a formality.

Former Senator and one time Presidential candidate Gary Hart commented:

This is simply old politics at its worst. There is a party which hand-picks its candidates, decides who can and cannot run, directs money to the favorite candidate, and dictate terms. Up till now, that party has been the Republican party.

Now, it seems, my Democratic party is once again imitating the Republican party in a desperate effort to regain power. With the McGovern democratic reforms in the early 1970s, political bosses were diminished and grassroots voters were elevated. The theme was, Let the people decide.

Gary Hart: Pressuring Paul Hackett To Abandon Campaign is Old Politics at its Worst

It is yet another reason I see no worth in participating in party politics and is yet another proof that the US political system is broken.

Petro Picks Slanderer For Ohio Gov Race

Well if anyone doesn’t think Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro isn’t pandering to political and religious conservatives by now, his new choice of a running mate should set any doubt aside.

Petro picked State Senator Joy Padgett (R-Coshocton) to be his Lt. Governor should he be elected.

Padgett, who supported the ban on gay marriage, became infamous during her 2004 State Senate campaign when she smeared her opponent and won 54 to 46 percent in a district that leans Republican.

Her opponent?

Former journalist Terry Anderson, who had been held as a hostage in Lebanon by the Hezbollah terrorist group for more than six years from 1985 to 1991.

Padgett’s campaign used a photo of Anderson meeting one of his former kidnappers when he went back to Lebanon with CNN to look for his captors.

The attack ads against Anderson have been in mailings and on TV and radio. At a League for Women Voters debate last week, Anderson walked off the stage, refusing to participate. “The first time I met Padgett she said, ‘I run a clean campaign,’ and I said, ‘Good, let’s do that.’ I have attacked her votes . . . never attacked her personally. . . . She attacked me, twisting my campaigns. The last piece, I couldn’t accept it.

“The picture,” he continued, referring to the photo of himself shaking hands with the Hezbollah official, “is one of the guys who kidnapped me, who held me for seven years, who chained me and blindfolded me. I went back to Lebanon with a CNN news crew and looked him up and put him on camera and asked him, Why did you do this?

“She now says I am an apologist for terrorists.That’s sheer nonsense. It’s offensive. I’ve just about had enough.”

GOP Target: Terry Anderson and also
Joy Padgett is scum

I wasn’t planning on voting for Petro, especially after his God and Bible advert he broadcast shortly after his campaign started, but now his judgement is in question by adding Padgett to the ticket.

*Side Note* Maybe it is too early after the announcement but none of the reports I read mentioned Padgett’s attack on Anderson in 2004 in their stories.