On this page find links to recommended websites and my blogroll that use to be on all the pages of my blog. Check back often for new entries.
My Blogroll
These are blogs I check out just about everyday and I recommend them.
The Friendly Atheist
Atheist Revolution
Greta Christina’s Blog
Laughing in Purgatory
Skepchick Network
The Angry Atheist
What Would JT Do?
Columbus Blue Jackets
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
National Center for Science Education
Corliss Lamont Website – Wrote an introductory book about Humanism titled “The Philosophy of Humanism” which is available as a digital download from the website.
Wikipedia entry for ‘Secular humanism’
Humanist Manifesto I (1933) – The document that started the modern Humanist movement. It sets the basic principles of Humanism.
Humanist Manifesto II (1973) – An updated document describing details of the basic principles of Humanism.
A Secular Humanist Declaration (1980) – The first document that spelled out the principles of secular humanism which is different than the Humanism setup in the first Manifesto. Secular humanism ditches not only the supernaturalism of Theism but also the institutions and rituals of Theism that Religious humanism tend to retain.
Humanist Manifesto 2000: A Call For A New Planetary Humanism (2000) – Updated version of “A Secular Humanist Declaration”
The Affirmations of Humanism: A Statement of Principles – Another statement of secular humanist principles.
Humanism And Its Aspirations (aka Humanist Manifesto III) (2003) – An update of the Humanist Manifesto last updated in 1973.
Amsterdam Declaration (2002) – Statement of Humanist principles issued by the International Humanist and Ethical Union
International Humanist and Ethical Union
Humanist Canada | Humaniste Canada
Institute for Humanist Studies – A Humanist think tank
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Freedom From Religion Foundation
My Projects
These are special pages I’ve created over the years
Doug’s Little Tribute to Swing Out Sister
Louise Brooks: An Icon
My Little Tribute to The Corrs
My Tribute to Diane Lane
Famous Findlayians
Memorial Day Tribute to My Dad
What Would JT Do?