Candidates For Ohio Governor Have Different Ideas On The Place Of Religion In Public Policy

Image of Ohio Governor John Kasich and his Democratic challenger Ed FitzGerald
Ohio Governor John Kasich and his Democratic challenger Ed FitzGerald

It’s common knowledge that Governor John Kasich wears his religious beliefs like a suit and inserts them into his speeches and remarks when he can. Democrat challenger Ed FitzGerald rarely talks about his faith because he feels religion is a private matter. Contrary to the ‘no religious test’ words in the US Constitution, the Columbus Dispatch ran an article about the public religiousness of each man.

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Honoring Jonathan Lydick For Memorial Day

Undated photo of My 3rd great grandfather Jonathan Lydick (1846- 1914) and his wife Anna Marie (1852 – 1944)
My 3rd great grandfather Jonathan Lydick (1846- 1914) and his wife Anna Marie (1852 – 1944)

Usually during holidays honoring veterans, I like to honor my Dad who served in Vietnam. However, for this year’s Memorial Day, I want to honor my 3rd great grandfather Jonathan Lydick (1846 – 1914). He was born in Pennsylvania and moved with his family to Northwest Ohio. He enlisted in the Union Army in 1863 at the age of 17 at Lima. He served in the 12th Ohio Cavalry as a part of Company G.

During his time in the service the 12th Ohio had operations against Morgan’s invasion of Kentucky May 31-June 20, 1864. Action at Mt. Sterling, Ky., June 9. Cynthiana June 12. Skirmish at Lebanon, Ky., July 30 (1 company). Burbridge’s Expedition into southwestern Virginia September 20-October 17. McCormack’s Farm September 23. Laurel Mountain September 29. Action at Saltville, Va., October 2. Stoneman’s Raid from Bean’s Station, Tenn., into southwestern Virginia, December 10–29. Bristol December 14. Marion December 17–18. Saltville December 20–21. Stoneman’s Raid into southwestern Virginia and western North Carolina March 21-April 25, 1865. Wilkesborough March 29. Wilkinsville N.C., April 8. Danbury April 9. Statesville and Salem April 11. Salisbury April 12. Dallas and Catawba River April 17. Swannanoah Gap April 20. Howard’s Gap, Blue Ridge Mountains, April 22. Asheville April 25. Duty in middle Tennessee, eastern Tennessee, and North Carolina, until November 1865.

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Could Local Versions Of JobsOhio Be Coming To Your City?

images of the Hancock County Ohio commissioners
Hancock County (OH) commissioners (clockwise) Phillip A Riegle, Mark D Gazarek, & Brian J Robertson

It seems the now secretive work of economic development to hide giveaways to corporations who may or may not create any jobs in Ohio has arrived in Hancock County. On Tuesday, the county commissioners went into executive session to secretly discuss what they claimed was economic development issues. It seems the Ohio state legislature put in the recent budget law a section that allows county and city governments to close meetings to the public when it will be discussing economic development. How much do you want to bet that soon we will see county taxpayer supported slush funds for corporate giveaway like the state’s JobsOhio.

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Ohio Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor Lies Again

Offical imgae of Ohio Lt. Governor Mary Taylor
Ohio Lt. Governor Mary Taylor

Ohio Lt. Governor Mary Taylor was speaking at a Lincoln Day lunch in Findlay Ohio on Monday and she couldn’t help but lie once again about the Affordable Care Act and Governor Kasich’s policies. It wasn’t surprising but if I were a Republican I would be upset with a party leader giving me false information. Anyone who reads the news knows she lied.

As reported in the Findlay (OH) Courier:

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Governor Kasich Believes 1st Graders Need To Work And Believe In God

Governor John Kaisch
Kaisch: And there will be no more story time for 1st graders!

Ohio Governor John Kaisch made a couple of campaign appearances in Northwest Ohio on Thursday. In Bowling Green, he said he wanted to literally reform the hell out of education while making sure five year olds were ready to get jobs. Once again Kaisch will say anything to get elected.

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