Democrats: We like anal lube. Really.

Once again the Democrats bent over and became spokespeople for anal lube:

Senators Avert Showdown Over Filibusters

By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent

Under the terms, Democrats agreed to allow final confirmation votes for Priscilla Owen, Janice Rogers Brown and William Pryor, appeals court nominees they have long blocked. There is “no commitment to vote for or against” the filibuster against two other conservatives named to the appeals court, Henry Saad and William Myers.

The agreement said future judicial nominees should “only be filibustered under extraordinary circumstances,” with each senator � presumably the Democrats � holding the discretion to decide when those conditions had been met. Officials said the pact was intended to cover the Supreme Court as well as other levels of the judiciary.

What this means is the Dems lose the fight over the most contentious nominees and gained a “maybe” the Republicans won’t drop the bomb on the filibuster in the future.

If I was the Democratic leader I would have dared them to do it and when they did make sure the Dems never voted on another piece of legislation for the rest of the term. Instead of Yay or Nay each one would be asked to vote “present”.

That way when the elections came around the Dems could say we stood up for our party and the Republicans are responsible for every thing passed that term.

Now once again the spines are no where to be found.

If find any please send them to the DNC, 430 S. Capitol St. SE Washington, DC 20003

The Cucumber Incident: Revisited

Back in July, 2004, I posted some thoughts on the documentary called The Cucumber Incident.

The film told the story surrounding an incident that made national headlines in 1997. Three women had attacked, stripped, and forced a cucumber in the butt of a convicted child molester. They then drove the man back to his home town of McComb, Ohio and dumped him outside a pizza shop. The women were arrested and served time in jail as well as being labeled sex offenders.

The twist was the man was the husband of one of the women and the other two were the wife’s relatives. The guy had served time in prison for molesting his daughter and had been suspected of doing it again.

Someone posted my article in full on the Indymedia network of websites and comments flooded in to my article.

Most of the comments took me to task because I refused to applaud the women’s revenge. I was also taken to task for not being outraged at the husband’s acts and one person commented that it was no surprise as I was man. Several comments mentioned that if one was a victim of abuse then one would understand.

I reject all of those comments.

Revenge is not justice even if it is for a heinous act. The child was examined by the proper authorities and there was not enough evidence to arrest Randy, the husband.

The fact remains that Jewel chose to allow Randy back into house after he got out of prison. If she had kicked him to the curb then it is less likely another incident would have happened. Even after the alleged incident Jewel had the choice to leave him or kick him out of the house.

I do not look on child abuse of any kind lightly but it still doesn’t trump the fact that revenge is not justice.

My gender has nothing to do with my views on the woman’s acts. Revenge is not justice. I would feel the same way if it were 3 men attacking a female molester.

Although I have not been personally been abused, there was an incident in my family several years ago that still has a negative impact on me and the family.

Originally posted on the blog “Hancock County Politics Unfiltered”

Brief thoughts on the passing of Pope John Paul II

Couldn’t avoid the death watch the past few days. CNN had wall to wall coverage since Friday.

I just shook my head as millions of Catholics prayed for the Pope’s recovery then of course it was changed to praying for the Pope as he makes his way to Jesus.

John Paul II was an interesting person. Very active and he traveled a lot.

I didn’t and still don’t agree with his religion but respect him more than some of the political leaders during his 26 year reign.

Read some interesting comments about him. One was that he despised totalitarianism (having lived through the Nazi occupation of Poland and the Soviet domination) and he called it false religion yet he made his own decisions that are seen just as dictatorial. He wanted to improve the status of women but dictated that no women could be priests and came out against abortion for example.

Then there is the continued road blocks the Vatican has put up when trying to work on the issue of population control.

His Papacy set back US Catholicism 30 years and aligned it with the evangelical Christians.

Saw a quote in an AP article this evening that pretty much explains why someone like me could never be a member of any church:

“The church cannot be an association of freethinkers.”

Moving Sucks!

I’ve been low key for the past month.

Due to an issue with my landlord, I had to move.

I had been at my location for 11 years and had just started my 12th. Let me give some advice. Take the time to simplify your life before you are forced to do it when moving.

I had collected a lot of junk, stuff I didn’t need, but hadn’t thrown out. Trying to move my belongings on a time deadline forced me to make some choices. Some were easy and some were tough.

Now all my personal belongings that I kept is on the floor of the bedroom at my new place. I get to go through it all and throw out more stuff that made the first cut.

If you want to simplify your life then check out the following website:

The Simple Living Network

Want to revisit the past?

Have I got a deal for you.

Since I have no social life, I had time to put together and open a message board dedicated to the 1970’s and 1980’s culture.

Yes, my friends, if you miss the gas crunch, President Reagan, disco, Rubik’s Cube, bell bottoms, The Cure, YES, or the host of movies and TV shows from the 70’s and 80’s then Our Generationis for you.

Some people don’t want to relive the past and that’s ok, but haven’t you once wondered “Whatever happened to Rodney Allen Rippy?”

Did you want to know why leg warmers and sweat bands were popular in the 1980’s? Or why the 3 Mile Island melt down was so scary?

Our Generation is for those us who came of age or who can’t remember the 1970’s and 1980’s.

It is our past, it is our generation.