No $4,000 Tax Increase From Obama – Romney Lies In His Ads Too

screencap from Romney ad showing lie about American Enterprise Institute
American Enterprise Institute non-partisan? HA!

It’s common knowledge that Mitt Romney massively lied during the first Presidential debate on October 3rd. Now it seems he’s blatantly lying in his campaign advertisements. One in particular, running in my neck of the woods, claims a source for some tax data is non-partisan when in reality the American Enterprise Institute is far from non-partisan.

Here is the ad:

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Romney Won The Debate For The Best Liar Of The 2012 Election

screencap of Mitt Romney lying during debate
Mitt Romney lying during debate

As if it wasn’t understood before Wednesday night, in Denver, Mitt Romney will lie in order to get elected. His talking points in the debate contained as many lies as Paul Ryan’s RNC speech in August. I don’t know about you but I want a President who won’t lie on a whim. Mitt Romney just isn’t electable.

Here is a brief summary of some of the whoppers Mr. Romney let fly at the debate:

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Ted Strickland Correctly Questions Mitt Romney’s Patriotism

screencap of Ted Strickland speaking at 2012 Democratic National Convention
Former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland speaking at 2012 Democratic National Convention

Although I am not watching the Democratic National Convention live this week I did check out the Tuesday night speech by former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland. I was impressed. Early speculation was he would attack current Ohio Governor John Kasich since he had spoken the first night of the Republican convention. Instead Strickland brought up one line of attack on Romney that I would like to see more of – attacking Romney’s patriotism because he has his money outside of the country.

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President Bill Clinton Says There Is A Clear Choice

image of President Clinton in Obama for America Ad
President Clinton: “This is a clear choice”

Being a swing state I am being bombarded by political ads as we get closer to the 2012 elections. But I saw one this week that actually caught my interest and concisely summed up why President Obama should be re-elected. It was no surprise that the speaker in the ad was President Bill Clinton, the king of political media.

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Vandana Shiva: Industrial Agriculture Hurting Our Food System And Health

image of Vandana Shiva on Moyers & Company TV show
Vandana Shiva

Vandana Shiva was on Moyers & Company on July 13th talking about her fight against genetically modified (GM) seeds and other attempts by industrial agriculture companies, like Monsanto, to monopolize the production of food not only in her native India but also here in the US. It’s a great interview and gives a basic overview about our broken our food system. GM seeds and industrial agriculture is making us all sick and less able to afford healthy food while the corporations game the system and rake in huge profits and tax subsidies.

In the first part of the interview Shiva talks about the control of the food system by the big corporations who gain profit from it but show little to no concern for the people who have to buy the food or the small farmers who grow the food who are forced to buy seed from the big corporations:

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