The Reality: Our Government Has Been Infiltrated By Radical Christians

photo of Rev. Franklin Graham, Christian Extremist
Rev. Franklin Graham, Christian Extremist

During a recent discussion about ISIS on Bill O’Reilly’s FOX ‘news’ show, Rev. Franklin Graham was brought on for really no other reason than to give his religious bigotry perspective. He actually said the government had been infiltrated by Muslims when in reality bigoted Christians, like himself, have infiltrated the government and they are actively passing their form of Sharia law on the rest of us.

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Use Religious Freedom To Refuse To Do Business With Christians

If Christians can claim religious freedom as cover for their bigotry then maybe those of us who oppose them can refuse to do business with Christians. I mean fair is fair and religious freedom should be a two way street. Christians claim their religion prevents them from doing business or treating LGBTQs then atheists and non-Christians should be free to refuse to do business with Christians.

Here is a graphic I drew up to help a business refuse to serve serve Christians:

And don’t worry, religious freedom will protect you.

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Oh Joy, My Congressional Representative Got An Award From A Hate Group

part of a larger image showing Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council with Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH5)
Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council with Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH5)

My Congressional Representative, Bob Latta (R-5), just received an award from the Family Research Council (FRC) for his commitment to ‘pro-life’ and ‘pro-family’ values. It’s obvious that Latta doesn’t mind palling around with a hate group.

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Letter To The Editor Is A Teachable Moment For Religious Freedom

clip art of the Happy Humanist

On Christmas Eve, a letter to the editor in the Coloradoan newspaper caught my eye. Titled ‘Democrats force secular-humanist views’ kind of gave away the view point of the letter writer. The letter gives a good example of faulty irrational thinking and is a good opportunity to show how one can debunk such thinking.

Here is the letter that was published on 12/24 (emphasis is mine):

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