Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan visited Belmont county, in Ohio, Saturday to claim that President Obama has a war on Coal. It is part of the Romney-Ryan plan to drill for more oil, keep the huge handouts to Big Oil, reduce pollution regulations, and stop government assistance to green energy. Of course this also means telling Coal miners that their jobs are in danger even though no matter who is the President their jobs are in danger. If we were at the beginning of the 20th century, Paul Ryan would be complaining about President Obama having a war on horse drawn buggies. Coal is a dying source for energy much like buggies gave way to the better technology of the automobile.
My Prediction For The 2nd Presidential Debate
On Tuesday, October 16th, President Obama and Mitt Romney will have their 2nd of three debates at Hofstra University. It will be a town hall style debate, with questions asked by undecided** voters, which means there won’t be any podiums and the candidates will get to walk around. I’m sure you’re like me and you have other things to do and don’t want to watch the full debate, I’m going to put on my pointy election debate cap and make a prediction on the winner.
Basically the Romney campaign needs the debate to be a win or at least a draw.
No $4,000 Tax Increase From Obama – Romney Lies In His Ads Too
It’s common knowledge that Mitt Romney massively lied during the first Presidential debate on October 3rd. Now it seems he’s blatantly lying in his campaign advertisements. One in particular, running in my neck of the woods, claims a source for some tax data is non-partisan when in reality the American Enterprise Institute is far from non-partisan.
Here is the ad:
Romney Won The Debate For The Best Liar Of The 2012 Election
As if it wasn’t understood before Wednesday night, in Denver, Mitt Romney will lie in order to get elected. His talking points in the debate contained as many lies as Paul Ryan’s RNC speech in August. I don’t know about you but I want a President who won’t lie on a whim. Mitt Romney just isn’t electable.
Here is a brief summary of some of the whoppers Mr. Romney let fly at the debate:
Of Gaffes And False Equivalencies
I’m sure everyone has seen the video of Mitt Romney talking about never getting the vote of the so-called 47% of Americans who pay no income taxes and who will vote for the President to keep the checks coming. My amusement came from the fact that what he said is how people like Romney actually feel about the rest of us regular people. Some have called it a gaffe and then Republicans trot out gaffes said by President Obama at different times as if it’s the same thing as what Romney did. It’s a false equivalency, the Republican whine shows they are missing the forest for the trees.