Zimmerman Acquittal A Mind Blower

Image of George Zimmerman
George Zimmerman

George Zimmerman, the overzealous member of a neighborhood watch, who shot and killed unarmed teen Trayvon Martin was acquitted by a jury of 6 women. He admitted to the killing but the jury decided he was not criminally responsible for his actions. I can tell you this, if the teen had been white and the shooter black, Zimmerman would be in shackles waiting for sentencing right now.

The verdict goes completely against the way actions that cause deaths are handled in other cases. I appreciate the thoughts of Josh Marshall, editor and publisher of Talking Points Memo:

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Koch Brothers ‘Obamacare’ Ad Is Full Of False Information

screencap from Koch Ad
Not even sure this actress’ name is really Julie

The Koch Brothers astroturf group, Americans for Prosperity, has released an ad against the Affordable Care Act (aka ‘Obamacare’) that uses false information. Unlike the information given in the ad, under the ACA, you will be able to choose your own doctor and a majority of people will not being paying higher premiums. Not to mention that it is ironic the ad complains about ‘the folks in Washington’ getting involved in one’s health care yet insurance companies insert themselves in your health care all the time. If you see this ad, remember it is false and paid for by people who have no need for a social safety net.

I saw the ad on a local TV station the other day.

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Why Do We Have To Choose Between Privacy Or Security?

created image of guy looking in a window with POLICE on shirt
If you aren’t doing anything wrong then this should not be a problem, right?

The media coverage over what National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden did, by publicly revealing the large surveillance program conducted by the NSA, included ridiculously breathless stories about his whereabouts, if the guy is a traitor (he’s not), and if Glenn Greenwald should be jailed for doing his job of reporting the story. What still isn’t being discussed is the reasons and methods behind the program Snowden exposed and why there isn’t much discussion about the accountability of the program. We have been given a false choice between privacy or security.

Bob Sullivan, on the NBC News website wrote a good essay about the problem of having the false choice of privacy or security:

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Why Humanists Should Form Communities Not Churches

created image of Humanism logo

Last week, I complained about why I have issues when Humanists use religious words for non-religious activities – like forming ‘congregation’ or meeting in a ‘church’. I spent time ranting about it but I didn’t really expand on why ‘community’ is a better label and why using warmed over religious terms is not productive for Humanists. I wrote an essay over at my iHumanism blog where I talk about that aspect of the issue.

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Gov. Kasich And Anti-Women Ohio Republicans Have Lost The Next Election

Ohio Gov. Kasich celebrating a victory against women

On Sunday June 30th, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed into law a state budget that included one of the most restrictive abortion regulations enacted by a state so far. This cheap attack on women’s right to choose was inserted at the last minute, with no debate or public input, and rammed through the Republican controlled legislature. The new law not only redefines pregnancy to include any fertilized egg but also says using birth control pills is an abortion. If Kasich and his Republicans get any votes from women in 2014, I will have to consider moving out of the state. I really hate bigots and I really hate stupid people and any woman who would vote for people who took away their rights would be very stupid.

The new abortion restrictions are worse than the Heartbeat Bill I wrote about before because it defines pregnancy to include any fertilized egg:

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